Do-it-Yourself Divorce – Approaching it the Right Way


We have all heard of the idea of a do-it-yourself divorce, but we rarely hear about the risk associated with it. After all, a lot more is at stake in a divorce than when you experiment with learning how to bake your own artisan bread, so it is crucial to ensure everything is written and filed correctly so that costly mistakes are avoided. However, that does not mean you cannot minimize the costs of your divorce by managing most of the process yourself and foregoing the price tag of hiring a full-service attorney.

Continue reading to find out how you can successfully tackle a do-it-yourself divorce the right way without having to spend an arm and a leg on hiring an attorney handle the full process for you from start to end.

Navigating Your Divorce without a Full-Service Attorney

Oftentimes, to navigate a divorce without the assistance of a full-service attorney, couples turn to online services that promise a quick and easy process, but fail to provide them with the appropriate background knowledge needed to ensure everything is filed correctly. Unfortunately, even these cookie-cutter services require further explanation, which often leave pro se filers requiring further legal advice to fill out the documents or clarify discrepancies in template forms purchased online.

Instead of relying on the internet, you can hire an attorney for a limited scope of service to correctly draft the paperwork on your behalf while still providing you with firsthand access to a licensed attorney for advice at a fraction of the cost. An added benefit to hiring an attorney on a limited scope service is, if it turns out that your divorce is more complex than you originally anticipated or your spouse has a change of heart and it becomes contested, you can easily switch from pro se to full representation, without having to scatter to find an attorney who is unfamiliar with your case like you would if you simply purchased do-it-yourself divorce paperwork off the internet.

Hiring an attorney to draft your divorce paperwork will not only allow you to obtain the same level of legal support without the more substantial bills that are typically associated with full-service representation, but it will also put a professional face behind the documents you are relying on compared to blindly pulling documents from the internet. The biggest problems with relying solely on an online service are the lack of helpful instructions, the fact that many packets often include unnecessary documents, and the absence of legal guidance and insight an experienced attorney can provide.

Knowing that you have an attorney’s vast knowledge at your disposal can help take the pressure off as you navigate this process, reducing stress during what may already feel like a challenging experience. The affordable price tag can also help you rest easy, so you can better focus on other important matters in your life.

Reach Out to Our Law Office and Learn More About Our Pro Se Services!

At Law Office of Nikolas D. Capitano, The Leges Group LLC, we offer a wide range of services, including document production for pro se filers. Not everyone needs a full-service attorney to dissolve their marriage. However, they still deserve the legal advice necessary to effectively navigate the process on their own. Our experienced family law attorney will draft your divorce paperwork and provide the detailed instructions and guidance you need to handle the process at your own pace.

For this service, we will charge a minimal fee where we will review your case and explain your legal rights and options. Our fees include all the paperwork for a mutual consent divorce as well as an additional meeting to discuss how to properly handle the signing and filing of the paperwork as you move forward.